Inspirations and Relevant Works
Main Inspirations:
Portal 1, Portal 2
Glados and the Aperture Science facility were huge inspirations for the game down to the voice of the A.I. and the facility this game takes place. We are a big fan of the sarcastic, apathetic voice artificial intelligence running the facility.
Alien: Isolation
We took inspiration from Alien in the layout, the jump scares and movement of the xenomorph. We also took inspiration from the way lore is spread in those games via digital com pads and environmental storytelling.
Raised By Wolves
This TV show gave us the idea of an A.I. tasked with recreating human life to continue humanity as instructed by her creators. We really liked the idea of a machine playing God and ran with it.
All the Possibilities
Thesis Question:
Horror games, the psychology behind them? How does the story affect the enjoyability of a game?
Research area(s)
How horror games affect the player?
Community Impact/Effect
Social system, audience
Relevant Works/Inspirations/Aspirations
A previous work I’m super proud of
Alan wake
Fear of the unknown
Hello neighbour/secret neighbour